We are a Western Australian ‘boutique’ construction law and commercial litigation firm; Forged (like a Masamune sword) from over 30 years of experience helping domestic and international corporations resolve their most challenging construction related claims, issues, and disputes throughout WA, and in the NT and SE Asia. The stakes have been as high as $2b, most in the $1m to $100m range, and, for a few, the most tragic of circumstances involving a fatality or other crisis event with reputations of corporates and senior officers for prioritising safety and responding swiftly and responsibly to a crisis in line with community expectations hanging in the balance.
Stephen McComish has an unrivalled knowledge of the market and deep experience in construction disputes. He is consistently able to think three moves ahead of his opposition and has an ability to reliably predict the course that disputes will take and the likely outcomes. A calm and steady voice under pressure.